Anodes Applications
The three industries which use sacrificial ( galvanic ) anodes are :
1. The marine industry- for protecting ships both internally and externally.
2. The offshore petrochemical industry.This includes offshore structures,drilling rigs,drill ships,fixed production platforms ,underwater pipelines.
Sacrificial anodes for submarine pipelines is the most interesting application engineering challenge.Pipeline anodes have very specific tolerance fit to the pipe and precise nett weight requirements in order to meet cathodic protection design.
The design of the bracelet is often varied to suit the mode of fitting or the type of pipe it is being fitted to.Bracelet anode can also be fully bolted,hinged and bolted,fully weld-on.
Sacrificial anodes for fixed production platforms are generally up to 30 cm in section and up to 300 cm in length of trapezoidal or circular cross section.Inserts are made from steels with a composition computible with welding direct to the structure or via doubler plate.Inserts are now invariably a tube with ends bent to facilitate attachement some 30 cm from the surface to be protected.
3. The on-shore petrochemical and pipeline industries.